What is a EMV skimmer?


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Mar 18, 2022
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What is a EMV skimmer?​

Yubiq is a EMV skimmer that steals your credit card information and then allows the hackers to use your credit card at a atm.

Cyber criminals are getting more and more efficient at hacking the systems of banks and credit card companies. These hackers are doing their best to develop new ways of stealing your information. The latest technique is by using skimmers.

EMV skimmers are small devices that are attached to the card slot in gas stations or restaurants. They are able to read your credit card data as you slide it in, and then store it for later usage. With the new chip based credit cards, this type of theft is virtually undetectable.

But how does this EMV skimmer work? It gathers all of your credit card information and stores it in a small storage device, usually a micro SD card or other type of storage device. The information is transferred to a mobile device, where the criminals can use your stolen data virtually. The criminals will then use the stolen data to make purchases online or at local stores.

This new EMV skimmer is very hard to detect since it doesn’t alter the gas station or restaurant in any way. Just like regular skimmers, they are tucked away in a spot that is hard to see. Many people won’t even know that they have been victimized until they get their credit card bill at home.

There is no way to protect yourself from this type of theft because you can’t detect it happening. You don’t realize that your information has been stolen until hours later when you check your statement. By that time, the criminals have already used your data to make purchases.

The best way to protect yourself from this type of theft is to check your bank account daily. You need to check the transactions that happened hours and hours earlier just in case you have already been victim of this EMV skimmer theft. You need to be aware of any and all purchases on your account that you didn’t make yourself. If you spot something out of place, call your bank immediately and block that credit card number immediately.

Most people think they have plenty of time to check their statements, but with this EMV skimmer thieves, you really don’t have a whole lot of time. Checking your statement once a day or even twice is not going to cut it with these EMV skimmers since they steal your information and use it at a atm so you don’t even notice it happening right in front of you


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