Git-Bigstore Tutorial & Free Download

Blackhat Bully

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Oct 9, 2023
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Git-Bigstore: Managing Big Files in Git Repositories

Version control systems are a developer's best friend, but when it comes to large files, managing them in your Git repositories can be challenging. Git-Bigstore is here to help! This extension for Git provides an efficient way to track and handle substantial files, ensuring your repositories remain organized and your workflow smooth. In this guide, we will walk you through the installation and configuration of Git-Bigstore, enabling you to effortlessly handle those big files within your repositories.

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Table of Contents:

  1. Introducing Git-Bigstore: Tackling Large Files
  2. System Requirements: Ensuring Compatibility
  3. Configuration: Setting Up Git-Bigstore
  4. Installation: Step-by-Step Guide
  5. Customizing File Tracking: Leveraging Git Attributes
  6. Compression for Text Files: Working with Bigstore-Compress
  7. Managing Big Files: Pushing and Pulling
  8. Selective Uploads and Downloads: A Tailored Approach
  9. Viewing File History: Monitoring Changes with Git-Bigstore
  10. Backend-Specific Instructions: Amazon S3
  11. Alternatives to Git-Bigstore: A Quick Comparison
1. Introducing Git-Bigstore: Tackling Large Files

Get to know Git-Bigstore and understand how it simplifies the management of big files in Git repositories.

2. System Requirements: Ensuring Compatibility

Check if your system meets the necessary requirements to install and run Git-Bigstore smoothly.

3. Configuration: Setting Up Git-Bigstore

Learn how to configure Git-Bigstore for your specific needs and discover which cloud storage providers it supports.

4. Installation: Step-by-Step Guide

Follow a detailed installation guide to add Git-Bigstore to your existing Git environment, ensuring efficient big file management.

5. Customizing File Tracking: Leveraging Git Attributes

Explore how you can customize file tracking in Git-Bigstore using Git attributes for specific file types.

6. Compression for Text Files: Working with Bigstore-Compress

Discover how to optimize storage for large text files using the "bigstore-compress" filter.

7. Managing Big Files: Pushing and Pulling

Master the art of pushing and pulling big files with Git-Bigstore and learn how to synchronize your repositories.

8. Selective Uploads and Downloads: A Tailored Approach

Understand how to selectively upload and download specific files using Git-Bigstore, streamlining your workflow.

9. Viewing File History: Monitoring Changes with Git-Bigstore

Learn how to track the history of files managed by Git-Bigstore and stay informed about changes.

10. Backend-Specific Instructions: Amazon S3

Get insights into configuring Git-Bigstore for Amazon S3, with detailed instructions and access policies for IAM users.

11. Alternatives to Git-Bigstore: A Quick Comparison

Explore some alternative tools for handling large files in Git repositories and see how Git-Bigstore stands out for its simplicity.


Git-Bigstore offers a streamlined solution for tracking and managing large files within Git repositories. With seamless integration and efficient handling of big files, it simplifies version control, even for those hefty data assets. Follow the steps in this guide to set up Git-Bigstore and take control of your large files without compromising your Git workflow.

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