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Sep 11, 2023
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Welcome to PapyrusUtil – Your Essential Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) Plugin for Dynamic Data Storage and Compatibility!

PapyrusUtil is a versatile SKSE plugin designed to empower modders and gamers alike. It offers seamless integration for Skyrim's papyrus scripting system, allowing you to effortlessly store various data types, including integers, floats, forms, and strings, either on specific in-game objects or globally. PapyrusUtil also supports lists of these data types, facilitating dynamic compatibility between mods.

Here's an overview of its capabilities:

  • PapyrusUtil.psc: This script provides a version check and initializes arrays for variables.
  • StorageUtil.psc: It's your go-to for storing variables and lists of data on forms. You can retrieve these values using the form and variable name as keys. Be sure to check the script file for detailed documentation.
  • JsonUtil.psc: Similar to StorageUtil, JsonUtil stores data but saves it in custom external .json files, allowing for easy customization outside the game and independence from user save files.
  • MiscUtil.psc: This script includes various miscellaneous commands.
  • ActorUtil.psc: Actor package override functions for added flexibility.


Before diving into the world of PapyrusUtil, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • SKSE SE/AE 2.2.2+: Ensure you have the latest Skyrim Script Extender installed. You can get it from here.
  • Address Library for SKSE Plugins: Download and install the Address Library for SKSE Plugins from this Nexus Mods page.


Getting started with PapyrusUtil is a breeze:

  • Mod Manager: If you're using a mod manager, simply use it to install PapyrusUtil.
  • Manual Installation: If you prefer to do things manually, extract the plugin files to the appropriate directories.


Should you ever want to bid farewell to PapyrusUtil, follow these steps:

  • Remove the files you added during the installation process.


Keeping your PapyrusUtil up to date is essential for smooth performance:

  • To update, just overwrite all existing files with the new versions.

Compatibility & Issues

PapyrusUtil is designed to play nice with other mods and should be compatible with most of them. However, always exercise caution and check for compatibility issues, especially when dealing with mods that might overwrite PapyrusUtil's files with outdated versions (e.g., Simply Knock and Campfire).


PapyrusUtil wouldn't be possible without the hard work and contributions of these individuals and teams:

  • exiledviper: For continued maintenance and refactoring of the original plugin's source code.
  • meh321: The brain behind the original version, the idea, and the conversion of Address Library.
  • SKSE team: For their dedication in making this plugin possible.
  • milzschnitte: For valuable suggestions.
  • eventHandler, Expired, aers, arha, ianpatt: For their invaluable assistance in SKSE64 conversion and updates.


Stay up to date with PapyrusUtil's evolution:

AE/SE - 01/7/2022

  • Updated for SKSE AE build 2.2.2
  • Added ListRandom() functions to StorageUtil and JsonUtil
  • Various bug fixes
AE/SE - 01/7/2022

  • Updated for SKSE AE build 2.1.5
AE/SE - 12/14/2021

  • Updated for SKSE AE build 2.1.4
AE/SE - 11/23/2021

  • Updated for SKSE AE build 2.1.3
  • Updated for Address Library
AE/SE - 11/19/2021

  • Updated for SKSE AE build 2.1.2
  • Added RemoveDupe(), GetDiff(), and GetMatching() functions to PapyrusUtil.psc
  • Fixed JsonUtil returning wrong form value when the associated plugin is unloaded.
[And the journey continues with earlier updates...]

Explore the full potential of PapyrusUtil and elevate your Skyrim modding experience!



What is Skyrim Special Edition?

Skyrim Special Edition, often abbreviated as SSE, is an enhanced and remastered version of the popular open-world role-playing game, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It was officially released on October 28, 2016, and is available for various gaming platforms, including PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

The main features and improvements of Skyrim Special Edition include:

1. Enhanced Graphics: SSE boasts significantly improved graphics compared to the original game, thanks to a more modern game engine. Players can enjoy better textures, lighting effects, and overall visual fidelity, making the game look more stunning and immersive.

2. Stability and Performance: The game engine was updated to provide better stability and performance. This results in fewer crashes, smoother gameplay, and faster loading times.

3. Mod Support: Skyrim Special Edition offers support for mods on all platforms, including consoles. Players can access and install a wide variety of user-created mods to customize their gaming experience further.

4. All DLC Included: The Special Edition includes all the previously released downloadable content (DLC) for Skyrim, such as Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. This means players have access to all the additional quests, items, and features right from the start.

5. Console Support: In addition to the PC release, Skyrim Special Edition brought the enhanced experience to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, making it accessible to a broader audience.

6. Improved Audio: The game's audio was also remastered, providing better sound quality and immersion.

Skyrim Special Edition is a great choice for both newcomers to the world of Skyrim and longtime fans looking to revisit the game with improved graphics and performance. It has become the preferred version for modding due to its stability and mod support on all platforms.

Why Add Modifications to Skyrim Special Edition?

Adding modifications, or mods, to Skyrim Special Edition can significantly enhance and enrich your gaming experience for several compelling reasons:

1. Enhanced Graphics and Visuals: Mods can dramatically improve the game's graphics, textures, and overall visual quality. You can enjoy more realistic environments, character models, and special effects, making the game world even more immersive and visually stunning.

2. Gameplay Customization: Mods allow you to tailor the gameplay experience to your preferences. You can add new quests, items, and abilities, rebalance the game's mechanics, or introduce entirely new gameplay elements. This flexibility enables you to create a Skyrim experience that suits your playstyle.

3. Expanded Content: Modders have created an extensive library of additional content, including new lands, dungeons, factions, and NPCs. These mods can significantly extend the game's playtime and offer fresh adventures even if you've already completed the base game.

4. Bug Fixes and Improvements: Many mods are dedicated to fixing bugs, glitches, and other issues that may exist in the base game. Installing these mods can lead to a smoother and more stable gameplay experience.

5. Community-Driven Creativity: The Skyrim modding community is incredibly creative, and they continue to produce innovative and unique mods. Exploring the vast array of available mods can introduce you to exciting new features and concepts that you wouldn't find in the vanilla game.

6. Role-Playing Opportunities: Mods can expand the role-playing possibilities in Skyrim. You can choose from various character overhaul mods, quest mods with rich storytelling, or immersive role-playing enhancements like alternate start scenarios.

7. Personalization: Modding allows you to customize the game to your liking, whether it's adjusting the user interface, altering character appearances, or adding quality-of-life improvements. You have the freedom to make Skyrim uniquely yours.

8. Community and Social Engagement: Joining the modding community can be a rewarding social experience. You can share your creations, seek advice, and participate in discussions with fellow modders and gamers who share your passion for Skyrim.

9. Longevity: Mods can extend the longevity of Skyrim by keeping the game fresh and engaging long after you've completed the main storyline and DLC content. With a steady influx of new mods, there's always something new to discover in the world of Skyrim.

10. Educational Benefits: For those interested in game development or modding as a hobby or potential career path, working with mods in Skyrim can be a valuable learning experience. It allows you to gain practical experience in game design, scripting, and 3D modeling.

In summary, adding modifications to Skyrim Special Edition empowers you to personalize your gaming experience, improve graphics and gameplay, and explore a rich world of creativity and community-driven content. Whether you're looking for a more immersive role-playing experience, enhanced visuals, or fresh adventures, mods can help you achieve your goals and keep Skyrim exciting and enjoyable for years to come.


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