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Sep 11, 2023
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Learn how to effortlessly replace the female face #05 in "Hogwarts Legacy" with the stunning Poppy Sweeting model. Transform your gaming experience with this simple guide.

Note: You can easily modify an existing save file's face using the Character Editor.

Note for Modders: This mod operates under Chunk ID 226 and may not be compatible with other mods using the same Chunk ID.


Follow these straightforward steps to install the mod:

1. Download the ZIP file containing the mod.
2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file.
3. Locate your "Hogwarts Legacy" game directory.
4. Navigate to the "Phoenix\Content\Paks\~Mods" folder within the game directory.
5. Copy and paste the extracted contents from the ZIP file into the "~Mods" folder.

Now you're all set to enjoy the Poppy Sweeting model in "Hogwarts Legacy."


A big thank you to ll500 for their invaluable guide on editing face meshes. Your contribution has made this mod possible.



What is Hogwarts Legacy ?

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, "Hogwarts Legacy" is an action role-playing video game set in the Harry Potter universe. The game was developed by Portkey Games and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. It is designed to be an open-world RPG that allows players to immerse themselves in the magical world of Harry Potter.

Here are some key details about "Hogwarts Legacy" based on my last update:

1. Setting: The game is set in the 1800s, long before the events of the Harry Potter book series and films. Players take on the role of a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This setting allows for exploration of a different era in the wizarding world.

2. Character Creation: Players can create their own custom character, including choosing their character's house, attending classes, and learning magic. This provides players with the opportunity to craft their own unique wizarding experience.

3. Open World: "Hogwarts Legacy" is set in an open-world environment, which means players can explore various locations within the wizarding world, including the Hogwarts castle, surrounding areas, and potentially other parts of the magical world.

4. Storyline: The game features an original storyline that is separate from the main Harry Potter series. Players can make choices that affect the outcome of the game, adding an element of choice and consequence to the gameplay.

5. Magical Creatures and Spells: Players can encounter magical creatures, cast spells, and engage in various magical activities, adding to the immersive experience of being a student at Hogwarts.

Please note that game details and information may have evolved or changed since my last update, which was in September 2021. I recommend checking the latest news and official sources for the most up-to-date information on "Hogwarts Legacy."

Why add modifications to Hogwarts Legacy ?

Adding modifications (mods) to a game like "Hogwarts Legacy" can enhance the gaming experience in several ways:

1. Customization: Mods allow players to customize their gameplay experience. This can include changes to character appearances, graphics, or even gameplay mechanics. Players can tailor the game to their preferences.

2. Enhanced Graphics: Some mods can significantly improve the game's graphics, making it look even more stunning. This is particularly appealing for players with powerful gaming rigs looking to push the game's visuals to the limit.

3. Bug Fixes: Modders can often identify and fix bugs or glitches that the official developers may not have addressed. This can lead to a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience.

4. Additional Content: Mods can introduce new content such as quests, characters, or items, expanding the game world and providing more hours of gameplay.

5. Community Creativity: Modding communities often come up with innovative ideas and creations that can breathe new life into a game. This creativity can result in unique and entertaining experiences.

6. Replayability: Mods can increase the game's replayability by introducing new challenges, storylines, or gameplay mechanics. This keeps players engaged for longer.

7. Fixing Balancing Issues: Modders can adjust game balance, making it more challenging or more accessible based on player preferences.

8. Preserving Older Games: In the case of older games, mods can help preserve and modernize them, making them compatible with newer hardware and operating systems.

However, it's essential to remember that not all games support mods, and even in those that do, modding can come with risks. Mods can potentially introduce stability issues, conflicts, or even break the game entirely. Players should exercise caution when installing and using mods, and it's advisable to follow modding guidelines provided by the game's community and developers.

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