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Sep 11, 2023
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Rampage is an exciting mod for Red Dead Redemption 2 that enhances your gameplay experience. In this guide, we'll walk you through the installation process and provide you with essential instructions for using this mod. Make sure to follow these steps carefully to ensure a smooth gaming experience.

1. Installing Rampage:

To get started with Rampage, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Ensure Game Build Compatibility:
    • Before proceeding, ensure you have the latest game build. Incompatibility issues can lead to "Can't find native" errors.
  2. Download the Mod:
    • Visit the official source and download the Rampage mod. It's usually available as a .zip file.
  3. Extract the Mod Files:
    • Extract the contents of the .zip file into your game directory. This directory is where your 'RDR2.exe' file is located.
  4. Required Files:
    • Make sure the following files are inside your game directory:
      • RampageFiles
      • Rampage.asi
      • ScriptHookRDR2.dll
      • Either dinput8.dll or version.dll (Do not use both at the same time)
2. Navigating the Mod:

Rampage offers multiple control options to enhance your gaming experience:

Keyboard Controls:

  • Use the arrow keys for navigation.
  • Press F5 to open the trainer.
  • Up, Down, Left, Right for navigation.
  • Back is achieved by pressing the left arrow.
  • Press Enter to select.
Numpad Controls:

  • F5 still opens the trainer.
  • Numpad keys for navigation (Numpad8 for Up, Numpad2 for Down, etc.)
  • Select with Enter.
Controller (Xbox and PS) Controls:

  • Open the trainer with RB and A (Xbox) or R1 and X (PS).
  • D-Pad for navigation.
  • B (Xbox) or Circle (PS) for going back.
  • A (Xbox) or X (PS) to select.
Please note that you can customize the open key on both the keyboard and controller through the 'Settings.json' file or in-game settings.

3. Troubleshooting:

If you encounter issues while using Rampage, follow these troubleshooting steps:

  • Ensure your game build is up to date.
  • For startup issues, check if you have the latest game build. Older versions of Rampage and ScriptHookRDR2 can be found in the Miscellaneous category on the files tab.
  • If you face problems with saving settings or files, verify that your user account has the correct permissions to write to the game folder.
  • To report bugs, provide a detailed description of the issue and include additional files like 'ScriptHookRDR2.log' and 'Rampage.log' from the 'RampageFiles' folder inside the 'Log' folder.
4. Additional Information:

  • If you have other mods installed and experience issues, try removing other mods before reporting a bug.
  • Streaming support is not available, but we recommend using Lenny's Mod Loader to load custom assets.
5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: How can I disable the F5 prompt?
A: Navigate to Settings -> Extended UI and disable "Open Info."

Q: How can I disable the command prompt when pressing 'T'? A: Go to Settings -> Hotkey Manager and disable or change the CMD Key.

Q: How can I disable the Panels in the top right corner? A: Visit Settings -> Extended UI and disable "Window Activators."

Q: How can I use RDR Online Weapons? A: Install an LML mod that adds RDR Online weapons to the SP Catalogue.

Q: How can I use Online Clothes/Horses/Maps? A: Place 'version.dll' from Lenny's Simple Trainer inside your game directory.

Q: Can I save custom set hotkeys? A: Custom hotkey saving has limited availability (not all hotkeys can be saved), and there are no plans for further improvement to this feature.

By following this guide, you can enjoy an enhanced gaming experience with the Rampage mod for Red Dead Redemption 2. Remember to always stay updated and troubleshoot any issues to make the most out of this fantastic mod.



What is Red Dead Redemption 2?

"Red Dead Redemption 2" is an action-adventure video game developed and published by Rockstar Games. It was released in 2018 and is the third entry in the Red Dead series, following "Red Dead Revolver" and the critically acclaimed "Red Dead Redemption." The game is set in a fictional open-world version of the American Wild West and takes place in the late 1800s, offering players a vast and immersive frontier landscape to explore.

Key features of Red Dead Redemption 2 include:

1. Open-World Environment: The game is set in a massive open world that includes various landscapes, from forests and mountains to deserts and swamps. It's designed to be highly detailed and realistic, with a living ecosystem of wildlife and NPCs.

2. Story and Characters: The game's story follows Arthur Morgan, a member of the Van der Linde gang, led by the charismatic Dutch Van der Linde. The narrative explores themes of loyalty, morality, and the decline of the Wild West.

3. Gameplay: Players can engage in a wide range of activities, including horseback riding, hunting, fishing, gambling, and more. Combat features gunfights, melee combat, and a Dead Eye targeting system for precision shooting.

4. Online Multiplayer: Red Dead Online, a multiplayer component of the game, allows players to create their own character, explore the world with friends, participate in various activities, and undertake missions together.

5. Realism: The game places a strong emphasis on realism, with mechanics for maintaining your character's health, stamina, and hygiene. Weather conditions and time of day also affect gameplay.

6. Graphics and Immersion: Red Dead Redemption 2 is known for its stunning graphics and attention to detail. It aims to immerse players in the Old West with a meticulously crafted world.

The game received critical acclaim for its storytelling, graphics, attention to detail, and immersive open-world experience. It's considered one of the best video games of its generation and has a dedicated fan base. Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on various gaming platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

Why add modifications to Red Dead Redemption 2?

Players add modifications, or mods, to Red Dead Redemption 2 for several reasons:

1. Enhanced Gameplay: Mods can introduce new gameplay elements, mechanics, and features that enhance the overall gaming experience. This can include new weapons, vehicles, and tools, as well as changes to game physics and mechanics.

2. Visual Enhancements: Some mods are designed to improve the game's graphics and visuals. This might include texture enhancements, improved lighting, and realistic weather effects, making the game look even more stunning.

3. Customization: Mods allow players to customize their characters, outfits, and in-game items. This appeals to players who enjoy personalizing their gaming experience and creating unique characters or aesthetics.

4. Additional Content: Mods can add new missions, quests, and storylines to the game, effectively expanding its content and providing players with fresh challenges and narratives.

5. Creative Expression: Modding provides an outlet for creative expression. Many players enjoy creating their own mods, adding new content to the game, and sharing their creations with the gaming community.

6. Community and Collaboration: Modding communities often foster collaboration and a sense of community among players who share similar interests. Players can exchange ideas, collaborate on mod projects, and learn from one another.

7. Replayability: Mods can breathe new life into a game, extending its replayability. Players who have completed the main story and side quests may turn to mods to keep the game engaging and exciting.

8. Fixing Issues: In some cases, mods are used to fix bugs, glitches, or issues in the game that the developers may not have addressed. This can improve overall stability and performance.

9. Experimentation: Players may use mods to experiment with gameplay, pushing the boundaries of what's possible within the game's world. This can lead to unique and unexpected experiences.

10. Niche Interests: Some mods cater to niche interests or specific fan communities. For example, there may be mods that cater to fans of a particular movie, TV show, or historical period, allowing them to immerse themselves in that world within the game.

It's important to note that modding can enhance a player's experience, but it should be done responsibly and in accordance with the game's terms of service and the modding community's guidelines. Additionally, when using mods in online multiplayer modes, players should be mindful of potential compatibility issues and the rules of the server they are on.

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