Recent content by Project2501

  1. Project2501

    I bought some ccs form benumb how do I case out on them

    Keep in mind that you may need a caller or OTP bot for Switchere. Even with low amount, depends on your cc/bin.
  2. Project2501

    Working BIN Method 2022 - All Online Stores

    Hey, I'm back from trying. Quick warning for anyone that wanna try this with the specific OP's bin : BIN 446259 will require OTP bot/caller on Switchere. Even if you go with low value first like I did (20$)
  3. Project2501

    G2A carding method (card any product on g2a)

    That's a well known scam. Please if you read this, don't try this. What the script does is, replacing the btc adress with his own. So you'll send the btc directly to his wallet
  4. Project2501

    Working BIN Method 2022 - All Online Stores

    Hope it's still working, I'm gonna try it, maybe tonight. I'll drop you a DM with another method if I'm successful