Recent content by texstricker

  1. texstricker

    2023 Fraud Bible

    Can I please have this. Pleeease thx
  2. texstricker

    Is there a site for just giftcards?

    You buying gift cards?
  3. texstricker

    In need of fullz

    I have thousands and thousands of fullz. Has full name, DOB, SSN, Address, Yearly Salary, profession. Sadly does not come with IDs
  4. texstricker

    Anyone have good site To buy fullz

    Oops didn't mean too post that last one but i have over 300,000 fullz come with Name, DOB, SSN, current Job, yearly Salary, and Address
  5. texstricker

    How to card gift cards online?

    I know where u can sell any gift cards they pay 60% give or take depending on type of gift card. Payment is sent via cashapp and payment is sent within few minutes. 💯 this no bullshit, legit company I stumbled on to and is now my go 2 for selling all my gift cards because I've searched for...