Debate on card cloning, wether it's real or not


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Apr 7, 2023
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So I am new to carding and card cloning. I have seen people here on the forum saying that card cloning is not possible because of the EMV chip. They say how it's not possible to clone it. Now I am
not here to hate on those guys, I am here to ask a few questions that I have.

1. How is it not possible to clone the EMV chip when literally hotels use the EMV chip (sometimes mag stripe too) for their doors. And you can't tell me they don't because I have literally witnessed it at least 10 times.

2. PytonKingdom said that the X2 software is bullshit or whatever, is it possible then to clone cards with software that actually work?

3. Let's assume that it's not possible to clone the EMV chip. Is it then possible to only clone the mag stripe and do in-store purchases?

4. Off-topic question related to card cloning. When buying dumps, what is the difference between 101 and 201 dumps. Also, if I am in EU, do I need to buy EU dumps? Does that also mean I have to buy the dumps of the country I live in or certain countries based off where I live?


Junior Contributor
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May 2, 2023
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1. I think tahat chip on cc is a bit diffrent to the ones used in hotels
2. Everything is possible but x2 and omnikey is bullshit
3. yes you just have to destroy/disable the chip this the only method everything else is bs
4. 101 dumps are rare and only use mag stripe 201 are common and use the chip and mag stripe. I would reccomend you to buy EU dumps. No just buy EU dumps and you will be fine

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