Opinons on carding with a mobile phone?


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Feb 14, 2024
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Newbie here. I have been looking into carding for the past few days, I was already familiar with a lot of the stuff here so learning curve is more focused on the payment gateways and fraud detection methods. Lots of people here seem to say that acting like the card holder as much as you can is the best thing you can do.
So I thought well what if you used a factory reset phone? I understand there is definitely some Op-sec issues regarding this, but if were to get a burner SIM, and buy a CC with a ZIP code near me, would it be as suspicious? Seeing as most fraud I find here is on a computer, are the banks are prepared for it on a mobile phone?
Once again, very aware that there are Op-sec issues regarding this


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Feb 14, 2024
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I believe you're deeply misinformed. RDP & ABs are used to emulate the CC Owner accessing their own bank. You have the right idea behind it's acting like the card holder. But that's the end of your logical thought...
A card holder be logging into their bank on a fresh phone? It would instantly be triggering anti fraud... (There are a few methods using phones. But we use emulators as it's easier to spoof information)
Also; the opsec issues will 100% land you into jail. Being that close & pinging off the towers. It won't be too difficult to track if you hit anything they deem worth it.
To answer the direct question: Yes. Banks are ready and have been ready for mobile.
(Consider an upvote if I answered the question properly!)

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